Versatile technology platform
Technology platform is based on unique stability of glycerol and silicone mixtures and controlled release of active substances from glycerol domains
Technology originates from multi-year project at the Danish Polymer Centre of the Technical University of Denmark, DTU

Distinctive features of Glysious technology
High breathability
Silicone is 10 times more permeable than other adhesives, such as acrylics
Glycerol-silicone patches/films are more than twice as permeable than silicone adhesives
Zero-order (constant) release
Silicone is 10 times more permeable than other adhesives, such as acrylics
Release profile is tunable
Water handling
Liquid (serum, sweat and water) absorption increase with glycerol content
Patches do not lose mechanical integrity upon liquid uptake
Liquid uptake has no impact on mechanical features of patch
Predictable release
​Active substance release rate can be tuned via
glycerol content
active substance concentration
thickness of adhesive
Multiple actives loading
Storage stability – even for reactive substances
Independent release profiles
Stabilisation of actives
Measured half-lives of vitamin C:
in water 70 days
in glycerol: 129 days
in Glysious product/packed: 700 days
Active substance release mechanism
Glycerol domains embedded within a silicone matrix act as reservoirs for active substances
Upon contact with wounds, skin or any aqueous media, active substance is released from adhesive due to diffusion​

Examples of technology key features
Water absorption and permeability increase with glycerol content
phr: weight parts of glycerol per hundred weight parts of silicone

Examples of technology key features
Release rate is tunable by glycerol content
Release of active substances ranges from zero-order kinetics at high glycerol content to first-order kinetics at 40 phr
phr: weight parts of glycerol per hundred weight parts of silicone

Examples of technology key features
Storage stability is demonstrated for multiple reactive substances –
when loaded to different compartments in glycerol-silicone matrix
Multiple actives are released independently
phr: weight parts of glycerol per hundred weight parts of silicone

Release studies of selected active substances

Forms / way of the delivery
Intellectual property

Stable mixtures of glycerol in silicon

Controlled active substance release from adhesives

New patent filed August 2023
Invention is covered by two broad patents either granted or in national/regional phase
New patent filed recently supporting the technology platform
Inventor: Renowned pioneer within silicone elastomers
Anne Ladegaard Skov, Dr. Techn. and professor at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) is the main inventor of the Glysious technology
She heads the Danish Polymer Centre at DTU and leads several projects, including the Challenge Grant WeArAble (Novo Nordisk Foundation) and Spinout DK (Villum Foundation)
The inventor has received multiple awards, including Eliteforsk Prize (Danish Research Council), Grundfos Prize, Statoil Prize and the Elastyren Prize (Danish Academy of Technical Sciences)

Funding awarded for technology and product development